Anyone who has listened to this talk by Bishop Richard C. Edgley can see that it is a talk born out of deepest experience , and with all honesty. In this talk, he shared two important experiences, First is his personal experience in which he took three towels from his workplace after a summer job, an act that disappointed his father and caused him to lose trust in him. Recognizing his mistake, he returned the towels to the workplace, and learned a painful and costly lesson on honesty that would stay with him throughout his life.
Secondly, he shares a personal experience related to a 25-cent newspaper. While passing through O'Hare airport in Chicago with some business associates, one of the men had just sold his company for millions of dollars and proceeded to take a newspaper from a vending machine without paying. When Bishop Edgley jokingly pointed out the lack of integrity in not paying for the newspaper, the man returned to the vending machine and began putting quarters in it. Bishop Edgley uses this incident to emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity, which must come from the heart and be taught at an early age.
Bishop Edgley reflects on the significance of honesty and integrity in today's world, noting that these values are often neglected. He stresses the importance of learning important and enduring lessons from simple examples, like taking three towels or buying a 25-cent newspaper. He wonders how the world would change if these lessons on honesty were taught in the home from a young age.
What are some causes of dishonesty?
When I think of dishonesty, I don't think anything should make anyone become dishonest, but still, why are people still dishonest. I think there are strong reasons and those are what I want to talk about now.
Dishonesty can happen for any of these reasons, Moral weakness or lack of character to do what is right, Fear of punishment, criticism, or other negative consequences, Incentives like money, power, or other rewards can make people become dishonest, Rationalization and finding justifiable reasons to be honest, desperation to achieve things not minding if it costs ones honesty, lack of empathy towards people and how they might feel as a result of our actions, Also, cultures that places emphasis on success no matter how it is achieved can lead to people normalizing dishonesty.
You will notice that I did not add economic circumstances, and not being able to provide for oneself as a reason why people engage in acts of dishonesty. This is because I believe that nothing should make anyone become dishonest. I believe there is always a way out of every problem.
What helps me stay motivated to be honest?
I believe the World needs honest people, the workplace needs honest people, our society needs honest people to thrive, our culture cannot be sustainable if honesty is not imbedded into its fabrics. These are the reasons I want to continue being honest. Above all, I will need to return to my heavenly father to give account of my life here on earth.